About Me

Photo By: Mireya Miner

Photo By: Mireya Miner

Hello! My name is Mireya Miner and I am a third-year journalism student at San Diego State University. Alongside pursuing my bachelor’s in journalism, I am also minoring in sustainability. I would love to work as a writer and investigative reporter in the future, and my dream would be to work for a publication such as National Geographic or Atmos. I enjoy reporting on the importance of our relationship and connections with our environment. As such, I think it is important to bring awareness to various topics such as environmental justice and equity, climate change, conservation, etc. Apart from pursuing journalism, I would also love to get my teaching credentials one day.

A quote that I like to keep in mind, especially when approaching the stories that I want to write, comes from a movie, The Handmaiden (2016), where a character says that “in new shoes, even well trodden paths feel fresh.” I think it is important to realize all the things we can learn by seeking the perspectives of others, especially those who walk different paths than we do. One of the biggest reasons that I feel passionate about journalism is the outlook that I gain by interacting with people I may not otherwise have gotten the opportunity to meet, and it inspires me to be able to share their stories with others.